Getting Started
Demo - Zoho CRM 2 Burst SMS
You can see a complete introduction of this plugin in this video - Demo video Burst SMS is an extension developed by Oscillosoft that allows users to send SMS from ZOHO CRM Leads, Contacts, and Potentials Module. You can even setup SMS for Event ...
Zoho CRM 2 Burst SMS Extension features comparison
We have released a new version of the Zoho CRM 2 Xero Extension, it provides some advanced features. Please find the comparison table below - Features Old/Baisc SMS Extension Current SMS Extension Price $5 $10 Bidirectional SMS Yes Yes Modules Leads, ...
Zoho CRM 2 Burst SMS - Webhook Configuration
Step -1 Go to Setup > Marketplace > All > Burst SMS Extension Setting and copy the Personalized SMS URL And paste it to a notepad; For better understanding, divide the URL as shown below (Picture- 02) ...
Zoho CRM 2 Burst SMS Installation
Pre-installation setup Burst SMS Configuration needs to be done in the following two separate areas: 1. Zoho CRM 2. Burst SMS Before you proceed, please ensure you have a Burst ...
Zoho CRM 2 Burst SMS Overview
Overview Zoho CRM 2 Burst SMS is an extension developed by Oscillosoft allowing users to send SMS from Zoho CRM Leads, Contacts, and Potentials Modules. You can even setup SMS for Event reminders! Users can send custom SMS to individual customers or ...