How to uninstall the Extension
Please login into your CRM account Go to your CRM Settings > Marketplace > All > Installed Section Please click the uninstall button to uninstall the extension. Please check the below screenshot to get a more clear picture. If you have any more ...
How check SMS credit or subscription status
You can see the SMS credit in your Burst SMS portal. Just login in your bust SMS portal, you can see the balance in top right corner. You can see the plugin subscription status in CRM . CRM > Settings > Marketplace > All > Installed > Plugin ...
Upgrading from your Burst SMS Trial version
Upgrading from your Trial Version Hopefully you've had a pleasant experience with our Burst SMS plugin trial! If you're interested in keeping the Burst SMS plugin here's how you can subscribe. 1. Within your Zoho CRM, click the "Settings" option in ...
FAQ Here's a handy FAQ that we've made to address some common questions and issues. Hopefully you find the answer to your questions here. We do not provide phone support for the Burst SMS Extension. If the FAQ does not answer your question and if ...
6. Burst SMS Notes and Resources
6. Notes and Resources 6.1 Notes All the mobile numbers in CRM should be the international format without '+' sign as follows -> 61451411066 (For Australia) -> 6545141166 (For Singapore) Do not use this format 61 451 411 066. (Spaces between ...