Overview - Zoho CRM 2 Dropbox

Overview - Zoho CRM 2 Dropbox

Dropbox is a popular file hosting service in the world. For various purposes, we use Dropbox for storing files. And keeping files in Dropbox allows us to share with others. That being said, you can be a Zoho CRM user who often stores files on a cloud server like Dropbox. However, it might be hard to keep track of your CRM and Dropbox files since they are not connected. 

To provide a solution to this problem, SaasPlugin has developed the Zoho CRM 2 Dropbox extension, which will generate a bidirectional synchronization between Zoho CRM and Dropbox. All the files and folders in your Leads and Deals module will be synced to your Dropbox account. And everything will be arranged according to a hierarchy. You will be able to upload, create, edit, and delete files and folders directly from your CRM. As a result, you can easily access important files from your Dropbox. This will make working with CRM easier and more effective. 

We offer a 10-day FREE trial with the  Zoho CRM 2 Dropbox extension so that our customers can evaluate the features and make a better judgment of this extension.       

Key Features - 

  1. Browse and share (new and existing) files and folders created in Dropbox from Zoho CRM.
  2. Save, upload, create, edit, arrange, or delete Dropbox files and folders directly from Zoho CRM. 
  3. Sync files and folders between Zoho CRM and Dropbox bidirectionally.
  4. Select your preferred location to integrate records of your CRM Leads and Deals modules in Dropbox. Files and folders will remain intact after converting leads to deals.

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