Overview - CRM 2 Work Drive Extension

Overview - CRM 2 Work Drive Extension

Work Drive is a well-known file hosting service that is linked to Zoho CRM. We utilize Work Drive to store and share files with others. Having said that, you might be a Zoho CRM customer who prefers to save data on a cloud server such as Work Drive. However, a handy plugin that permits bidirectional sync between CRM and Work Drive may give additional benefits and elevate the user experience to the next level.

With that in mind, SaasPlugin created the Zoho CRM 2 Work Drive extension, which allows for bidirectional synchronization between Zoho CRM and Work Drive. All the files and folders in your Leads and Deals modules will be synchronized to your Work Drive account. And everything will be organized in a hierarchy. You can upload, create, modify, and remove files and folders directly from your CRM. As a consequence, it will be simpler to access and track crucial files in Work Drive. In this way, the extension will enhance the functionality of the default CRM.

We provide a 10-day FREE trial of the Zoho CRM 2 Work Drive extension so that our clients may examine the features and make an informed decision about purchasing this extension.

Key Features -

  1. Browse and share (new and existing) files and folders created in Work Drive from Zoho CRM.
  2. Save, upload, create, edit, arrange, or delete Work Drive files and folders directly from Zoho CRM. 
  3. Bidirectionally sync files and folders between Zoho CRM and Work Drive.
  4. Select your preferred location for integrating CRM Leads and Deals module records in Work Drive. After converting leads to deals, files and folders will stay intact.

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