How to Install ClickSend extension for ZohoDesk | Knowledge Base

How to Install ClickSend extension for ZohoDesk

1.0 How to find the Plugin

Inside your Zoho Desk, click the Settings icon at the top right corner.

Marketplace > All

1.2) By default, you will land on the "ALL EXTENSIONS" tab. Find the plugin by typing "ClickSend extension for Zoho Desk" in the search box.

2.0 How to Install

2.1) Click on the “Install” button to install the plugin

2.2) Agree with Terms of Services & Privacy Policy of Vendor and Zoho Marketplace. Then click Install.

General Settings

2.3) General Settings

Go to General Settings

DepartmentsSelect all departments to use the extension in all departments.

ProfilesSelect all profiles to use the extension in all departments.

Agree to Terms of user and Click Install.

2.4) Authorize your account  to activate this extension.

Click on the “Accept” button


2.5) Once you are authorized, you will be directed to Preference where you need to provide your Username and API Key. Then, hit the "Save Credential" button.

Username - You will get the user name in ClickSend portal [Step 3.1]
API Key - You will get the password in ClickSend portal [Step 3.1]
Webhook URL - Copy the URL and paste it to the ClickSend portal [Step 3.2]

3.0 ClickSend Settings

3.1 Username and API Key creation process

Go to your ClickSend Account: Developers > API Credentials

Copy “User Name” and “API Key”

Note: You have to enter this User Name & API Key in Step 2.5

3.2 Add New Rule

At the top right corner inside your ClickSend dashboard, you will see your profile. Click on it and select "Messaging Settings".

When you are inside "Messaging Settings", click on “ADD NEW RULE”.

Enter a “Rule Name” and select “URL” from “Action” dropdown list

Copy the URL from 2.5 and paste it in the URL field. Then, click the 'ADD' button.

Great! You have done the setup. Now you are ready to send SMS.

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