How to use - Burst SMS Extension for Zoho Desk

How to use - Burst SMS Extension for Zoho Desk

4. Using the Plugin

4.1 Sending SMS

a. Log into “Zoho Desk” alone with "Burst SMS To Desk" plugin installed. (URL:

b. Go inside “TICKETS” page if any other page being selected. In this page all available tickets will be present.

c. Open a ticket. The plugin widget can be accessed from inside any ticket. 

d. On the right top corner, widget icon can be found. By default widget page will be hidden. Widgets will appear once widget icon will be clicked. 

 All installed widget can be found through a sliding sub-window.

Our desired “Burst SMS Extension” also can be found in the list. The widget body can be expanded or collapsed using the indicated icon. 

e. On the extension page, clients’ mobile number is pre-filled in “Sent To” text field. Contact number will be pre-filled from ticket contact field. Contact number can be edited if require before sending a message. 

f. We can fill some detail using “Merge Field” selection. In the dropdown there are some fixed fields. If we select those fields, that information will be embedded to our message description. We don’t need to search for those information and type down manually. 

For example, If we select “Ticket Number”, Click on “Select” button, the number of the ticket will be added to the description. 

g. Custom message can be written in the Description field. 

h. After writing the message, message can be sent by clicking on “Send” button. Message will be sent to customer mobile phone and will be noted as “Outbound SMS” in the Conversation section for the ticket. 

  1. Whenever user will replay back to the sms, it will be noted in the ticket as conversation and marked as “Inbound SMS”. 

4.2 Creating Template

a. Custom Templates can be created or used for the widget. By clicking on “Templates” button, template page will open. 

b. By Default, there will be no template present. User needs to create template first to user them. After creation, template will be present in the drop down list. 

c. Templates can be created by clicking on “Manage Template” button. A new page will load upon clicking on the button. Three button will be present in the page. “Save”, “New Template”, “Delete Template”. Initially “Message” field will be disabled/ Read only mode. 

d. Message field will be enabled by clicking on “New Template” button. A name for the template can be given in the “Template Name” field. Also, some fields can be added from “Merge Field” dropdown list. In the message section, customer SMS can be written. After complete writing, user can save the template by clicking “Save” button. After saving the template successfully, a successful message stating “Template Added Successfully!” will appear. 

4.3 Deleting Template

a. A template can be deleted by selecting the template from “Select Your Template” dropdown and clicking on “Delete Template” button. A permission pop-up message will appear stating “Are you sure you want to delete this template?”. Delectation can be confirmed by clicking “Yes”. 

4.4 Editing Template

a. A template message can be edited. After editing text in “Message” field, changes for the template can be saved by clicking “Save” button. 

4.5 Using Template

a. After adding new template or updating an existing one, user can use the template for messaging by selecting the template and click in “Use Template” button. Created templates can be found for all tickets. Also can be used for any ticket. 

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