FAQ - ClickSend Extension for ZohoDesk

FAQ - ClickSend Extension for ZohoDesk

Q.1 What are the basic requirements for this extension?

In order to use the ClickSend Extension for ZohoDesk, you need to have an active account on Zoho Desk.

Q.2 How much does the extension cost?

A monthly subscription at only $ 10 USD/organization is available for ClickSend extension for ZohoDesk. Also, the yearly subscription plan will cost only $ 108 USD/organization where you can enjoy a 10% discount.

Q.3 What are the basic features?

Some basic features of this extension are - 

  1. Establish better communication by sending and receiving SMS messages from your Zoho Desk tickets to directly clients' mobile numbers. 

  2. A brilliant field merging option will help tailor your SMS with templates. 

  3. Create, update/delete custom templates and use them in your messages to make them more engaging. 

  4. The entire SMS communication with a particular client will be saved as a record in your Zoho Desk ticket.

Q.4  Can I try out before I pay?

Yes, you can test the ClickSend extension for ZohoDesk with a 15-day free trial.

Q.5 How do I install the plugin?

Installing the ClickSend extension for ZohoDesk is very simple. Just go through the installation guide and start using this extension. You can also email at help@saasplugin.com.au for further assistance.

Q.6 I've installed the plugin, does it still need any setup or specific settings?

Yes, you may need to configure something. Read our detailed setup guide to know more.

Q.7  I've installed the plugin but how do I use it ?

Using the ClickSend extension for ZohoDesk is very simple. Just go through our user guide here.

Q.8 What is the process of getting help if I face any problem while using it?

For any assistance and support, you can always email us at help@saasplugin.com.au

Q.9 Is support cost us?

No, it is completely free of cost.

Q.10 May we have free support for the trial period?

We provide support during the trial period, it is completely free. You can reach us any time at help@saasplugin.com.au. We promise to get back to you as soon as possible.

Q.11 How do I buy my subscription plan?

You can buy the ClickSend extension for ZohoDesk directly from the marketplace. Please click here to know more. 

Q.12 Do I need to worry about CRM version compatibility?

The ClickSend extension for ZohoDesk is compatible with the following CRM versions -


  • Professional

  • Enterprise

  • CRM Plus

  • Zoho One

Q.13 How do I cancel my subscription plan?

You can cancel your subscription plan for ClickSend extension for ZohoDesk any time. Please click here to know more.

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